BigCommerce vs. Volusion - An Unbiased Comparison

March 17, 2022

BigCommerce vs. Volusion - An Unbiased Comparison

Choosing the right eCommerce platform can make or break your business. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is the best for your business. Two popular options are BigCommerce and Volusion. In this blog post, we provide an unbiased comparison of these two platforms, including important numbers, to help you make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

Both platforms are user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for those without technical skills.

BigCommerce offers an intuitive drag-and-drop design tool, making it easy for users to customize their storefronts without coding knowledge. Volusion also offers a drag-and-drop system, with a more extensive template library than BigCommerce. Therefore, Volusion may be the better choice for those looking for pre-designed templates.

Winner: Tie

Features and Integrations

Both platforms offer a range of features and integrations to help businesses grow.

BigCommerce offers over 400 built-in features, including multi-channel selling, advanced SEO tools, and secure checkout options. It also integrates with popular third-party applications such as Mailchimp, Quickbooks, and Google Analytics.

Volusion offers over 300 features, including mobile-responsive design, social media integration, and built-in SEO tools. However, it falls short when compared to BigCommerce in terms of offering extensive third-party integrations.

Winner: BigCommerce


Pricing is often a significant factor when choosing an eCommerce platform.

BigCommerce offers different pricing plans starting at $29.95 per month, with no transaction fees. However, it charges an additional fee for using third-party payment gateways such as PayPal.

Volusion also offers different pricing tiers, starting at $29 per month. However, unlike BigCommerce, it charges transaction fees on all sales.

Winner: BigCommerce

Customer Support

Both BigCommerce and Volusion offer excellent customer support with 24/7 available via phone, chat, or email.

BigCommerce provides users with a dedicated account manager and offers more extensive help center resources. On the other hand, Volusion offers a satisfaction guarantee and can refund the subscription if the user is not satisfied.

Winner: Tie


Both platforms ensure a high level of security and PCI compliance.

BigCommerce offers DDoS protection and Level 1 PCI compliance. It is also hosted on servers with 99.99% uptime, ensuring the security of the website.

Volusion also provides Level 1 PCI compliance and SSL encryption for their website security. However, in the past, it suffered from significant data breaches, which may raise concerns for some users.

Winner: BigCommerce


Both BigCommerce and Volusion offer excellent features and integrations to help eCommerce businesses grow. Both are user-friendly and offer 24/7 customer support.

However, when comparing the two, BigCommerce is the better option in terms of pricing, third-party integrations, and security. Volusion excels in template options and offers a satisfaction guarantee, which may be attractive to some users.

At the end of the day, the decision comes down to your preferences and business needs.


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